Wednesday, May 21, 2008

a man is not completely born until he is dead

today I had a lot on my mind, and these are a few of my thoughts:

1. thinking about death prompts questions and brings about the thought and effort necessary to acquire an understanding of it. We do not fear what we understand.

2. thinking about it and about it's inevitability and unpredictability makes us more aware of life, more tuned in and more appreciative of each moment and aspect of life.

3. Thinking about it and about the eternity that follows makes the worries and trials of this short earth-life seem smaller and easier to bear; thus it becomes easier to live with the problems and difficulties of daily life.

and this Shakespeare quotation comes in handy:

Be absolute for death; either death or life
Shall thereby be the sweeter.

act III, scene I, Measure for Measure

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